Thursday, September 1, 2016

Target Market Strategy

Our target market is mainly families with children under the age of 12. We realize that most of our business is children, and anything targeting children is also targeting parents. Our product serves as a toy, and as a cookie; and we think the best place to market and sell is grocery stores. Since our product is being sold next to regular cookie doughs, we figure our edible playdoh cookie dough has the edge on them. We want to emphasize our product as a fun activity to families with younger children. A target market is a group of people or organizations for which an organization designs, implements, and maintains a marketing mix intended to meet the needs of that group, resulting in mutually satisfying exchanges.”( Lamb, Charles W. MKTG 9, 9th Edition, p. 145). We believe targeting families with young children is the perfect market for us. We will use the concentrated target marketing strategy. Basically our marketing is concentrated to just families with young children. “Because the firm is appealing to a single segment, it can concentrate on understanding the needs, motives, and satisfactions of that segment's members and on developing and maintaining a highly specialized marketing mix. Some firms find that concentrating resources and meeting the needs of a narrowly defined market segment is more profitable than spreading resources over several different segments.”( Lamb, Charles W. MKTG 9, 9th Edition. P.146) We believe concentrating our focus on just this market, we will be able to provide a better marketing scheme and product for our customer, especially since we only have one product.

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